(Last visited August 2020)
This is a magical little place – a beautiful pond, a stream for paddling, hills for scrambling, trees for climbing, wildflowers and bulrushes… it’s beautiful. It’s really close to Holt – if you go past the turning to the high street, there’s a lay-by a little further down the road and in the corner there’s a footpath which leads to this little piece of gorgeousness.
We did a 2-mile walk which incorporated Common Hill, which was a nice enough walk, but I think we could have stayed at Spout Hills all day. We decided that the furthest point of the stream with the tree across it was definitely where the pixies live. We invested in a £7 pair of sea shoes from Sainsburys and they were absolutely perfect for paddling in the stream. There’s some shade but if there’s more than a few groups, you’ll run out of trees to hide under, so avoid in a heatwave
🌿Length of walk: c.2 miles if extending to Common Hill. Less than a mile if exploring Spout Hills
🌿Accessibility: You could access the stream with a pushchair (not wheelchairs), although a section of the path is uneven so it might be a bit bumpy for a short stretch. I wouldn’t recommend the wider Common Hill loop for pushchairs due to steep steps, a stony path and scrubby grass further round the walk
🌿Café: No but you’re really close to Holt
🌿Toilets/baby change: No – but again you are close to Holt
🌿Seating: Yes
🌿Picnic area: No picnic benches but it’s a great spot for a picnic blanket
🌿Opening times: Never closes
🌿Entrance fee: None
🌿Parking: In a large layby – NR25 6RZ (what3words: dote.dearest.attending) – it’s used as an overflow carpark for Holt shoppers so can get quite busy
🌿Dog friendly: Yes – saw some off lead. Saw a little dog mess on Common Hill, boo.
🌿Other features: A rope swing for teenagers in the centre of Common Hill (down the dip), a bit out of reach for my very disappointed 5-year-old!