Founded in the early 12th century, The Priory of Our Lady of Thetford was one of the largest and most important monasteries in medieval East Anglia. There are extensive remains – you’re not allowed to climb on the walls, but it’s a fantastic site.
On the north and east perimeter there is a hardcore path – the ruins themselves have a grassy surround. You could navigate your way round these with a pushchair, although there isn’t a designated route around the site. The Gatehouse is currently shut due to Covid.
I loved ruins as a kid. It’s a fascinating space. There are so many paths nearby that you could make it into a longer trip, as we did. We turned right out of the Priory gates and walked alongside the river through Abbey Meadows, crossed the bridge and continued our walk alongside the river on the other side back towards the town centre. Look out for Captain Mainwaring!
🍁Start point/Parking: Water Lane, IP24 1BB (what3words ///trainer.allies.crash)
🍁Length of walk: 1 mile (can be extended as far as you like along the river)
🍁Accessibility: See above – generally fine for pushchairs. Abbey Meadows was a bit muddy, although there was an alternative, slightly longer hardcore path.
🍁Toilets/baby change: Close to the town centre – pubs such as the Bell or Wetherspoons on King Street – check websites for current info
🍁Seating: Yes along the river
🍁Picnic area: The Priory grounds would make a nice spot for a picnic
🍁Play area: Further into town at Castle Meadow
🍁Food & drink: Lots in the town
🍁Dogs: Yes, on leads
🍁Opening times: Open daily from 9am-4pm
🍁Entrance fee: Free!
🍁Website: HERE